162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

What is the anthropology (doctrine of human nature) that lies beneath Marxism? It's important to understand that because that doctrine both undergirds and reveals what is going on in our woke-scolding era today. Herein I argue that while a Marxist can convert and come to know the living Christ, Marxism itself is beyond redemption: at its core it is atheist. Trying to transform Marxism into Christianity is like a human being trying to live among grizzly bears. 

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

161 The Cult of the Now (1) Toppling Statues with Marx

161 The Cult of the Now (1) Toppling Statues with Marx