161 The Cult of the Now (1) Toppling Statues with Marx

161 The Cult of the Now (1) Toppling Statues with Marx

Pulling down statues? Fairly easy. Totally erasing the past? Now that's a more difficult task. But that's precisely what we are witnessing across America. How can we discern what is going on? What "poker tells" are at hand that let us know the deeper agenda at work? And why does so much of what we are witnessing have a cult-like quality to it? What is a Christian response to the unrest?

162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life

160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life