All tagged power

268 Climate Change (5) Temps and Inconveniences

The warnings are emphatic and constant: we are smoking the planet. If we don't adjust course the ocean's icebergs will disappear, and along with them the polar bears. But what does the science say? What did a public lawsuit in the UK conclude? Along the way I also reflect on the Great Reversal I am witnessing among the Leftists, more reflections on Ukraine, and I even cover the Talking Heads' song, "Once in a Lifetime." Come think and laugh with me.

262 Guns

Over the years until I finished high school there had been one mass school shooting in America. Since 1999 there have been fourteen. So what has changed? What does the Bible say about our agency, human rights, governmental power, and human nature? Which has caused more misery in human history, nature or governments? What about pacifism? What about "turn the other cheek"? Why are political leaders wanting to outlaw guns? Let's employ wisdom to think through this volatile issue.

242 Reading Cars and Evil Societal Patterns

During my four years of high school I worked for a gas station-car wash. Across those years I learned to recognize the shapes, designs, and colors of every car manufacturer. Seeing only a tail-light I could tell you the brand. Life itself is comprised of patterns and shapes such that when we see even one element of a form we know what the larger pattern is. What does that mean for reading today's devolving culture? What does our current Gestalt tell us about the rampant evils at work in society?

219 Knowledge: Our Historic Moment

Despite the ostrich-mode taken by so many, America is in an unprecedented moment. Why is this different? What is the ingredient fueling this burn? How is it affecting me, personally? How is knowledge—and the PoMo anger about objectivity—at work in our cynical era? Instead of objectivity, what does society need? Come laugh and think with me!

218 PoMo knowledge vs. Christian knowledge

Why do Postmodernists focus so much on knowledge? How do PoMos construct their knowledge? Why is knowledge at the root of the collision between PoMo-ism and liberalism, Modernism, and Christianity? What is my philosophical camp of choice? I also reflect on Psalm 14, a John Mayer tune, and loneliness. Come laugh and think with me about knowledge!

215 Nancy Pearcey Conversation—Comparing Postmodernism and Christianity on Personhood

In this interview with best selling author-theologian Nancy Pearcey we explore what has resulted from Christians having accepted a Postmodern framework for truth. How does that bent truth-frame mangle the issues of parental rights, human rights, sexuality, and abortion? How does today's gnosticism compare with ancient gnosticism? How is our current cultural trajectory mirroring pre-Nazi Germany? Why does beauty matter in Christian truth claims?

199 Cannonball Spray: Incoming from Cancel Culture

The battle to topple traditional American, and Judeo-Christian, culture is raging today through a dynamic I'm calling "disproportionate engagement." I offer some examples of how this is so: an unwitting tv Christian family gets played, confessions of a former Antifa member, the unabashed educational indoctrination system, and how even cartoons are being cancelled. At the show's conclusion I also offer four steps believers should be taking. Come laugh and think with me!

187 The Inconsistent Illogicalities of 2020

2020 will go down in infamy. What on earth is going on? I work through 47 frequently-humorous ironies from 2020 to point out how absurd life is becoming in America. In the show's beginning I also mention why I left a tenured professor position and whether I buy the "great global reset" conspiracy theories. What do the forces of darkness want out of all this?

173 The Cult of the Now (13) Why So Woke? The New Consciousness

Neo-Marxists are not only pushing for cultural change they're pushing for a new consciousness, a consciousness summed up in the term 'Wokeness'. What is that wokeness? From whence in the history of philosophy did it derive? How does it compare to a biblical and Christian worldview? What are work-place consciousness training sessions about? On the personal front, what singular victory did I just enjoy? Come laugh, sing, and think with me!

170 The Cult of the Now (10) The Spirit of Marxism

Christians are aware of the Holy Spirit and lesser spirits like angels and demons. What about impersonal, non-living, spirits that are as powerful as demons? What about spirits that live as ideas and values in people's hearts and minds? In this episode I examine the spiritual nature of Marxism by unpacking some of its history and central doctrines. I also take you behind the scenes into a private church confessional.

165 The Cult of the Now (5) Why "Systemic" Racism?

We are told this is neither a matter of individual racists wreaking havoc nor is it simply that there are towns or regions that are predominantly racist. No, the dominant narrative is that America is "systemically" racist. Why that resounding refrain? To sort this out I peer into the work of Robin DiAngelo, author of the best selling book, White Fragility. What can we take away from her? How is this all rather like a glacier going off a cliff?

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

Today's civil unrest is not a simple racial dichotomizing dynamic. The impetus, the drive, the energy is very particular: Marxist ideology. Specifically, we are witnessing the results of a sixty-some year long moral re-wiring of society. We've gone from personal morality to societal morality following the class structures of Karl Marx. A moral vacuum was created and guess what rushed in to fill it? White Guilt. Come think with me about what white guilt means and why millions feel vaguely guilty.

162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

What is the anthropology (doctrine of human nature) that lies beneath Marxism? It's important to understand that because that doctrine both undergirds and reveals what is going on in our woke-scolding era today. Herein I argue that while a Marxist can convert and come to know the living Christ, Marxism itself is beyond redemption: at its core it is atheist. Trying to transform Marxism into Christianity is like a human being trying to live among grizzly bears.

161 The Cult of the Now (1) Toppling Statues with Marx

Pulling down statues? Fairly easy. Totally erasing the past? Now that's a more difficult task. But that's precisely what we are witnessing across America. How can we discern what is going on? What "poker tells" are at hand that let us know the deeper agenda at work? And why does so much of what we are witnessing have a cult-like quality to it? What is a Christian response to the unrest?

157 Trinity (4) Incarnation and the Temple of God

Temple is a biblical category much overlooked by Evangelicals and Charismatics. How does Temple play into the New Testament's portrayal of Jesus, or of Jesus as God's Son, or of what God's new and fresh covenant is about? Still more, what does Temple suggest about our own selves? Come, let us worshipfully turn our brains on for the glory of the living God!

153 Damaging the Frequency of Freedom

Life is a matter of frequency, of attunement, of stimmung (in German). How we attune ourselves, how we tune our frequency, greatly determines the quality of our lives. What kinds of things have entered the American frequency that have cloyed both a biblical and an American understanding of freedom? What Beatles song do I sing to make my point? Come think and laugh with me.

150 How the Mouse snuck in—Disney and Christian Culture

Christians tend to assess movies by the number of swear words or exposed body parts. That all the while we ignore the power of story to shape, twist, bend, and re-make our imaginations. Samuel Lively explains how Disney studios uses story to entirely supplant a Christian perspective on life. We focus on Frozen 2 and how it bends a Christian worldview to shape little girls' imaginations. I learned much from Samuel. You will, too!

148 Ouch! This Vaccine Hurts!

We've been mandated to swallow a societal vaccine. What are some of the trade-offs involved? How is the topic of worldview involved? What is some of the collateral damage involved? Might the required vaccine actually be worse than the disease? How so? I tell a joke and sing a song and try to think out loud with you about questions I'm not much hearing in public. Come, think and reason with me.

143 Wait, What? (6) Did Paul corrupt Jesus' simple message and construct Christianity?

A now-common take: Paul corrupted the simple and loving message of Jesus. Jesus was about care of neighbor while Paul infected that ethic with religion. So Paul is the one who established traditional, and now passé, Christianity. But was Paul really different from Jesus? How was Paul true to Jesus? The answers could build or wreck Christian faith. And my invisible conversation partner suggusts we publish a pink lettered bible: Jesus’ words about inclusion, diversity, tolerance and not hurting other people’s feelings all in pink.