All tagged hunger

365 Reformed vs. Arminian (3) Total Depravity

The Reformed and Arminians (R'n'A) seldom agree. But they do agree on the doctrine of total depravity. In this episode I work through what that means, respectively, to the R'n'A. What did Sproul say about it? What did Wesley assert? Then I ask questions about what it means to be human: a) do we still, after the fall, exist as the image of God? b) does the doctrine of salvation eliminate or build on the doctrine of creation? c) where do I (do I?) agree with the doctrine of total depravity? In the cultural reflection I work through still more of how SCOTUS has, across 60+ years, enforced their rulings in favor of compulsory feminism. What was it like, for me, to take compulsory sexual-training HR sessions? Who is against equality of the sexes? Not me! But unlike Lord Zeitgeist, I am not in favor of treating both male and female as non-existent and accidental qualities.

162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

What is the anthropology (doctrine of human nature) that lies beneath Marxism? It's important to understand that because that doctrine both undergirds and reveals what is going on in our woke-scolding era today. Herein I argue that while a Marxist can convert and come to know the living Christ, Marxism itself is beyond redemption: at its core it is atheist. Trying to transform Marxism into Christianity is like a human being trying to live among grizzly bears.

159 Trinity (6) The Trinitarian Basis of Reality

Creation echoes and mirrors God's own self. How is that so? I work through dynamics like finding meaning, reality versus thin copies, community, patterns, ecology, unity, diversity, and beauty. Building from the theological concept of panentheism I show what a mystery, a beautiful mystery, everything in life is. Nothing is eliminated by virtue of its group or species. So amazing!

030 Paul and Sex - His Gentile Context

What was the world like when the apostle Paul was writing? Was he naive about the sexuality at work then? Was he able or not to make distinctions between behaviors and orientations? This episode will examine a trove of historical data to clarify what the ancients did and did not know or understand about human sexuality. I will also explain why this information matters for contemporary Christianity and Christian ethics.

010 Faith vs. Reason (9) Reason Submits to Faith

Amazingly, reason cannot stand on its own. An unbounded reason often turns into a bone-crushing monster. For example, in some cultures it is reasonable to euthanize the mentally handicapped, or treat women as less than fully human. So, reason needs faith. The problem is that our Post-Cartesian society has made us swallow the blue pill of blindness, of blind faith. Jesus Christ offers us the red pill of reality, reality filled with truth, meaning, and grace. Let me show you some ways that faith informs Christian reasoning.