All tagged death

207 Confronting Death: A Conversation with Pastor Mitchell

Sixteen years ago Michael Mitchell fought off cancer. Five years ago it returned. He's been battling with it, off and on, but is now confronted with two-to-four months to live. By having him on the show again I want to honor both he and his ministry, but also talk with him about a topic mostly avoided in our culture: death. What would he have us consider? What is important in such a critical season? How does one keep one's sense of humor through all that. Come and join us in a poignant and important conversation.

162 The Cult of the Now (2) Human Hunger: Christianity vs. Marx

What is the anthropology (doctrine of human nature) that lies beneath Marxism? It's important to understand that because that doctrine both undergirds and reveals what is going on in our woke-scolding era today. Herein I argue that while a Marxist can convert and come to know the living Christ, Marxism itself is beyond redemption: at its core it is atheist. Trying to transform Marxism into Christianity is like a human being trying to live among grizzly bears.

We all know Jesus was crucified, but what did a crucifixion symbolize for ancient Romans? What kind of capital punishment did Dracula impose, a method that the Romans believed was not enough? What are some amazing theological truths about Jesus' crucifixion? What does the common biblical hermeneutic do to both our reading of the New Testament and our understanding of Jesus? Come and go deeper with me about Christ's passion!

057: Heaven and Hell (7) Escha-what? Eschaton!

If Heaven (Intermediate state) is not our final God-intended goal, what is? Just what will resurrected life be like? Will we lose our memories? Will we lose our identities? Will we lose our friendships? What is God going to do with the earth? Will he destroy it? Where will there be continuity with this life? And, why will there be continuity with this life, this eon? Yeah, just what on earth is the Eschaton?! Come and—following the trail blazed by Scripture—think theo-logically with me about the future that awaits us!

056: Heaven and Hell (6) Heaven: The Intermediate State

When believers die do they immediately experience the resurrection? Is there a resurrection of the soul without the body? What is the intermediate state, is it purgatory? Does the bible teach about the intermediate state? Does the soul experience reincarnation? Is there consciousness after death? Will we be able to physically touch each other in the afterlife? What does the bible mean when it says those who are dead are "asleep"? Are the unrighteous punished before they go to hell?

054 Heaven and Hell (4) The New Testament on Heaven

To a first-century Jew, what was profoundly mind-blowing about the timing of Jesus' resurrection? What does the New Testament witness to about Jesus' resurrection? Was his body the same? Did he appear only as a spirit? What does his resurrection mean for the resurrection of you and me? If the resurrection happens at the moment of death, what is going on with all the cemeteries in the world? Come and think with your brain such that your heart will be filled with hope!

053 Heaven and Hell (3) Inter-Testamental Shift

The Old Testament was vague at best concerning the afterlife and what happens to the self. The Inter-Testamental period represents a significant shift thereon. Why? What changed? What was going on among the ancient Jews to cause such an enormous paradigm shift? Did Jesus believe more like an OT Jew or an inter-testamental Jew? Even more pressing, was God still at work during this "silent" period? Or, is God only at work when it concerns us and our era?