All tagged worldview

235 Suffering (4) My Pastoral Concerns

Ya know me? I hate glib Christian expressions. But still, it is good and wise to give God our pain, to learn from our pain, to practice a holy fear of God in the midst of our pain. So I share some heartfelt pastoral concerns about suffering. I also describe eating daily oatmeal with my grandson and share a story about Squirrel Tom, one of my golf friends. Come laugh and think with me about things the Church is terrified to address.

206 Mybody, Yourbody, WhatsAbody?—History

The SCOTUS Obergefell ruling of 2015 left behind a massive definitional vacuum: how should personhood be defined? How is it being defined? How does that ruling spill out of what people love? What are some profound implications resulting? What is rushing in to fill the vacuum created by the Obergefell ruling? Let's think together about our bodies and personhood.

148 Ouch! This Vaccine Hurts!

We've been mandated to swallow a societal vaccine. What are some of the trade-offs involved? How is the topic of worldview involved? What is some of the collateral damage involved? Might the required vaccine actually be worse than the disease? How so? I tell a joke and sing a song and try to think out loud with you about questions I'm not much hearing in public. Come, think and reason with me.

019 How to Ask Good Questions

One of our show’s slogans is "Good questions lead to good answers." If that's true, how should we ask good questions? Toward these ends I interview Dr. Dennis McNutt, himself a professor for 40 years (and my father-in-law). Come and think with us both about asking questions!