All in Suffering

243 Suffering (11) Does Evil Outweigh God's Goodness?

Discussions of evil and suffering usually focus on the horror and quantity of suffering. But life is, across the planet, about more than horror and anguish. Too often we neglect the wonders God daily rains upon us, we ignore the magic of life's fabric. In this episode I put evil into life's larger framework. We also explore the intentional policies of the current whitehouse. We're told poor ol' Joe can't catch a break. But is that really what's going on?

241 Suffering (10) Lobotomizing Murderers—Moral Evil

The human races suffers far more from moral evil than from the evils rained upon us by nature. So just why doesn't God stop murderers or mass-murderers? If God knew Joseph Stalin was going to murder 60 million people why didn't He end his life long before Stalin's heinous crimes? Why do I believe—at long last—that we are living in the middle of a conspiracy? And, is God's remnant called to stand up to rampant evil or lovingly be passive?

239 Suffering (8) Unconscious Bias and Pain

None of us approaches evil, pain, or suffering in neutral. We all do that through our pre-existing biases, pre-loaded perspectives. Across the Church what are four of the major positions on suffering? What is important to remember in showing mercy to those who are suffering? I also have a contemporary reflection related to the movie 300. Come and think carefully with me.

238 Suffering (7) Was Paul's Suffering Redemptive?

The apostle Paul has lengthy passages about his suffering. He counted it a privilege to suffer for Jesus. What were the historical reasons he rehearsed all his pain? What were his theological reasons? What does all that mean for our own suffering? Do we suffer in a way that helps to complete the redemption of Christ? I also explore the resurgence of the WWJD Christian-cultural slogan. Just what would Jesus do in light of the pandemic? Come to laugh, worship, and think with me here at Christmas time.

237 Suffering (6) Charismatic presence and the Rise of Saints

Jesus prophesied that we would suffer for his name but added that his Spirit would accompany us. Our suffering, then, can have a pregnant kairos-moment quality to it. And that dynamic—a charismatic quality amid suffering for Christ—led to the rise of the doctrine of saints in history. How so? What's that mean? What is a confessor? I also think aloud critically about the obliteration of freewill in American society.

235 Suffering (4) My Pastoral Concerns

Ya know me? I hate glib Christian expressions. But still, it is good and wise to give God our pain, to learn from our pain, to practice a holy fear of God in the midst of our pain. So I share some heartfelt pastoral concerns about suffering. I also describe eating daily oatmeal with my grandson and share a story about Squirrel Tom, one of my golf friends. Come laugh and think with me about things the Church is terrified to address.

234 Job and Suffering (3) Jesus on Job's Theology

Jesus was asked twice about the suffering of others. Did he attribute that to karma? To God's punishment? To people's sin? Actually, Jesus responded in a way that affirmed the theology in Job: there is non-order (if even disorder) present in God's creation. Let's unpack what that means. I also explore the matrix of Progressive political policies. Come laugh and think with me!

232 Job and Suffering (1) Job, the Wife, the Satan

(Image: Léon Bonnat, “Job” 1880) Why do we suffer? Did we bring it on ourselves or is God punishing us? Job's story shines an intense light on those questions. Here's another, why do we serve God? For the bennies or because He is God? And then, how should we think about Satan in light of his appearance in the book of Job? I also share personally about why I serve God. Come think with me!

026 Brief Reflections on Intense Pain - What the Hell?

Life is both beautiful and interspersed with pain. How should we process the latter? How might Christians process intense pain? Is God causing everything? Does prayer matter? What about mercy ministry to those enduring intense pain? How does gratitude help? What kinds of things should we say and not say to those with intense pain? I worked through these kinds of questions following major back surgery.