All in The Common Good

333 Israel & Gaza—Is this THE End?

Immediately after an episode (last week) where I explained why governmental power (because it is too commonly insidious) should be slow-walked? Hamas invaded Israel. After I narrate some of the horrors of that, I explain my initial reactions to this heart-breaking event. What do we do to mitigate the "cycle of violence"? Or, is "cycle of violence" even the accurate way to assess what's going on? Then I frame our catastrophic-feeling era in light of both history and theology. Many Christians today—Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox—sense how apocalyptic this all feels. So, are we in THE end times? 

323 Secular vs. Sacred (13) What Did Feminism Get Right?

Significant to our culture's secular quality has been the presence and role of feminism. I offer a historical overview of family-and-public life, noting how the Industrial Revolution did things to women, men, and the family that the Feminist movement was right to protest and critique. Along the way I also note some of the shortcomings of the Feminist critique. At the show's beginning I reflect on the legalization of drugs in the state wherein I grew up: Oregon. Come laugh and think with me.

320 Secular vs. Sacred (10) Viral Darwinism

Darwinism is not merely a philosophy affirmed and disputed among scientists. No, today it permeates significant avenues of public life: law, education, theology, language, and economics. Herein I recount the whos and hows of this viral social spread. At the show's beginning I play back the contents of a "church-board meeting" I recently secretly recorded; silence is the tack of acquiescence. Come laugh and think with me!

313 Secular vs. Sacred (3) Mangling Marriage, Fracturing Family

I enjoy listening to Sirius XM radio. They have a couple comedy stations that crack me up. But when a comedian starts shredding marriage, "that ol' ball and chain!", I flip the channel. They are, like most of society, captured by the secular view of marriage as an impediment, an occlusion, an unnecessary obligation. I explore how philosophers' ideas creep into popular culture, and then how that shapes our views of both marriage and family. We also unpack the biblical view of marriage. The contrast between the secular and the sacred on marriage and family is stark indeed!

310 Legal Victories for Faith & Freedom-Greg Cox

Reading the daily news one could easily be overwhelmed by the darkness. And yet there are significant ongoing developments that promote religious liberty and individual freedom from governmental coercion. Greg Cox, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Liberty Council, shares with me about several recent court rulings that sustain the free practice of the Christian faith. Liberty Council, driven by an expressly Christian worldview, is a dynamic presence on behalf of Gospel mission and personal liberty! 

303 Shotgun: State Hatred, UFOs, Healing the Racial Divide

Under Joseph Stalin there was intense hatred from the State toward the Russian citizenry. Today we are witnessing the same here in America. How did that then, and how does that today, manifest? I also variously work through what I think about UFOs, the Southern Poverty Law Center's having targeted Latin Rite Catholics, the effects of tolerance, and why the Church needs to put critical-cooperation into practice. Come think theologically and laugh heartily with me! 

292 Shotgun: Twittering, Civilization, Apple Trees n' Faith, Scientism

In this shotgun show I reflect variously on the recent Twitter revelations, why free speech is necessary for civilization, a comparison of Jesus and the tree of life in Eden, and the limitations of Science. There is a growing trend of Scientism: the belief that science will solve all human problems and that science—isolated unto itself—is the final arbiter of truth and meaning. But science is, at definitional levels, incapable of measuring all manner of things that are deeply important to human beings. Let's think with nuance even while we enjoy some laughter!

289 Path Crisis Pregnancy: Interview w/Tracy Hall & Sue Drayton

What is it like to have a pregnant woman walk in the door when she's trying to determine what to do with her unexpected baby? In what way does church culture impact a crisis pregnancy? What measures and structures does Path Crisis Pregnancy center have in place to receive women? How can technology shape a woman's decision? How has the SCOTUS over-turning of Roe changed the dynamics of crisis pregnancy center work? What have both COVID and our inflation-wrought economy done to crisis pregnancy center service? What is a Christian approach to crisis pregnancies? 

The Common Good in a Christian Worldview: is it just a matter of doing the most good for the most amount of people? Why or why not? How is it that majorities can be their own tyrannies? As a case study in societal formation, why did the Founders establish the Electoral College? Was that really a fair way to do things? What should we learn about the instillation of the Electoral College?