233 Job and Suffering (2) His 3 Friends, Behemoth & Leviathan

233 Job and Suffering (2) His 3 Friends, Behemoth & Leviathan

Why do we suffer? Is God punishing us? Did we deserve it? Does the book of Job teach us the law of karma? In this show I look at Job in its historic context to see what it is teaching us about suffering, life, and God himself. Why does God teach Job about the monsters Behemoth and Leviathan? I also discuss why my show is subversive in Christ. Come laugh and think with me!

234 Job and Suffering (3) Jesus on Job's Theology

234 Job and Suffering (3) Jesus on Job's Theology

232 Job and Suffering (1) Job, the Wife, the Satan

232 Job and Suffering (1) Job, the Wife, the Satan