227 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (6) God (duh!) and his Power

227 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (6) God (duh!) and his Power

How do governmental vaccine mandates mirror an episode of the Twilight Zone I saw as a kid? How are officials going around the Constitution to censor freedom? What does "enlightened despotism" mean? The Bible teaches God is sovereign. Given evil's existence, how is that possible? Is God a puppet-master kind of king? What does belief in God's utter control do to social engagement?

228 More Onion Peeling—The Psychology of Mass Movements

228 More Onion Peeling—The Psychology of Mass Movements

226 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (5) Mercy and Grace

226 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (5) Mercy and Grace