All tagged Amazon

266 Climate Change (3) CO2, You, and Your Garden Too

The scientists behind the Paris accord use data (a span since the Industrial Revolution) that is too brief to be helpful. Much longer data is required to get a sense of earth's fluctuating climate. So why did the Paris accord, alongside American politicians, use shorter data? What percentage of the earth's history has been ice age? Is CO2 dangerous or beneficial for plant life? Is it—I know it sounds crazy—but is it possible the carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere is beneficial for life on earth? What is going on?

227 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (6) God (duh!) and his Power

How do governmental vaccine mandates mirror an episode of the Twilight Zone I saw as a kid? How are officials going around the Constitution to censor freedom? What does "enlightened despotism" mean? The Bible teaches God is sovereign. Given evil's existence, how is that possible? Is God a puppet-master kind of king? What does belief in God's utter control do to social engagement?

153 Damaging the Frequency of Freedom

Life is a matter of frequency, of attunement, of stimmung (in German). How we attune ourselves, how we tune our frequency, greatly determines the quality of our lives. What kinds of things have entered the American frequency that have cloyed both a biblical and an American understanding of freedom? What Beatles song do I sing to make my point? Come think and laugh with me.