200 and the Great Cultural Washout

In this—my 200th public—episode I reflect on the state of my show and what it was like to leave a tenured professorship. I also carefully reflect on the nature of the Great Washout we are experiencing. How is it different from previous washouts? How is the clamor for diversity more truthfully a push for a monochrome uniformity? What does all this mean for the Church? Come laugh and think with me!

199 Cannonball Spray: Incoming from Cancel Culture

The battle to topple traditional American, and Judeo-Christian, culture is raging today through a dynamic I'm calling "disproportionate engagement." I offer some examples of how this is so: an unwitting tv Christian family gets played, confessions of a former Antifa member, the unabashed educational indoctrination system, and how even cartoons are being cancelled. At the show's conclusion I also offer four steps believers should be taking. Come laugh and think with me!

198 Atlas Crushed—When do You have too much Compassion?

Who's against compassion? Not me. Out of compassion God sent his Son. The Bible shows God is constantly looking to extend compassion towards us. But today's PoMo culture over-burdens millions, they are taught they need to "own" and solve all the world's problems, by themselves. How might you check to see whether your compassion pendulum has swung too far? Also in this episode: why I go to church.

194 Science-Y Stuff (7) The Form of Life and Primus Humus

All artists design based on an idea, a pattern—however unformed—in their minds. If that holds, what blueprint did God use when he created? To what end did he create? Or more narrowly, how did the END shape the beginning? Building from that I think with you about what it means to be human, at the most basic level. Come and relish with me the beauty of the Christian way. Only Christianity promotes caritas with practical applications.

193 Science-Y Stuff (6) Aquino's 5 Ways and Vision

Tomas d'Aquino, following Aristotle, proposed five ways (arguments) for the existence of God. I work through those five ways and relish in the miracle of existence and vision. We then explore just how eye-sight works, unpacking how complicated it is in order to perceive what a loving gift it is. I also challenge Christians—following Old Testament prophets and Jesus himself—to embrace a public confession of faith.

192 Science-Y Stuff (5) Creation ex nihilo and Light

How does the Bible compare to other explanations of the origins of the universe? Was the Bible aware of other such explanations? Why is the Bible's explanation truly logical and with what famous scientific theory does that align? And then, what is light? How fast does it travel? What does its dual nature suggest to us about reality, about ethics? What lessons cannot be inferred from studies about light? Come and wonder with me about the magic of our universe.

191 Science-Y Stuff (4) The Naked Thing and the Moon

Culture teaches us to perceive reality in utilitarian terms: what does it do for ME? Or how does that benefit ME? But viewing life through Christic eyes involves wonder. And so I suggest a couple of ways to perceive with gratitude and wonder the realities—things like Luna, the moon—that present themselves to us. I also reflect on our culture's ongoing pursuit of dissociation what that means for the future.

190 Science-Y Stuff (3) Providence and DNA

By his providence God deemed that the building blocks for life would be DNA. So, what is providence? Is it fate or mother-nature or blind chance or determinism? What is DNA? Mere energy? Simple matter? Herein I tell how my Mom was providentially blessed and why wildfires serve the long-term good of forests. Enjoy this peanut butter and jelly sandwich of theology and science!

189 Science-Y Stuff (2) Wisdom and DNA

What elements comprise a cell? How many human cells are there? What does the complexity of a cell suggest about the origins of life on earth? How many scientific articles explain life's beginnings from a bio-molecular level? What does Scripture say about wisdom and creation? Is God an artistic show off? In this episode I weave together biblical wisdom and scientific evidence to help explore the wonders of life itself. Come laugh and pray with me!

187 The Inconsistent Illogicalities of 2020

2020 will go down in infamy. What on earth is going on? I work through 47 frequently-humorous ironies from 2020 to point out how absurd life is becoming in America. In the show's beginning I also mention why I left a tenured professor position and whether I buy the "great global reset" conspiracy theories. What do the forces of darkness want out of all this?

186 The Virgin Birth, Why Does it Matter?

What does the New Testament teach us about the virginal conception of Jesus? Was the event God-initiated or Mary-initiated? What are some theological ramifications of his birth, especially for being human? What did the very first Christians believe about all of that? Why does it matter today? And what, especially, seems to prevent belief in Jesus' birth today?

185 Angels at Advent? A Conversation with Michael Bozmarov

The Patristic world was both less opposed and less cut off from the supernatural world. MA student Michael Bozmarov shares with me the insights he learned writing a sizable paper on Ambrose of Milan's reflections. How are angels greater than us? In what ways are we greater than them? Why does God use angels? What can we learn from philosophy about angels? Come think with us about angels during Advent season!

183 What is Christian Spirituality?

Spirituality means a kazillion diverse things today. But in the bible there are specific ways of framing what spirituality means. Variously the doctrines of creation, eschatology, and incarnation reveal what spirituality looks like through godly lenses. It's time for believers to process more biblically and less Gnostically on this important topic.

182 Beauty in Theology—A Conversation w/Pastor Mitchell

Beauty is not in a fight with reason, but transcends reason. Beauty flows from the character and being of God himself. So why do Protestants so miss out on God's beauty? How might we recover a sense of beauty? How might beauty be used as a conversation starter in our relationships? All those topics and questions are addressed in my conversation with PhD student, pastor Michael David Mitchell. Come laugh and think with us!