139 Wait, What? (3) Women Fighting for Christian Truth?

How can you get your kids to think critically about Christianity? What are apologetics? How might believers go about standing for truth in our emotion-driven society? What are compassionate compromisers and terrifying truth tellers? What's it like to be a woman doing apologetics from a conservative wing in the church? This is my delightful interview of Hillary Morgan Ferrer, general editor and author of Mama Bear Apologetics.

138 Wait, What? (2) All Religions Are the Same?

We are meme-barded with the following, "all religions are just different paths to the same mountain top," "all religions want salvation," and "all religions are mystical at heart." But when we look carefully do those hold up? What two facets of western life drive all those memes? What is the de-facto western religion? Let's laugh together even while we process carefully. This is part two of my series on questions that can wreck faith.

135 The Christian Graces (10) The Glory and Vanity of Guilt

Our normal default is to consider guilt a bad thing. In Christ, however, it can be a glorious thing. Why is that? And what should we do about collective guilt? Are we supposed to feel guilty for the past sins of our forebears? Specifically, I consider the nation of Germany and whether it should continue to feel guilty for the Holocaust. What does prolonged guilt do to an entire nation?

134 2019 Year in U.U. Review

What was the best movie of 2019? Worst? My favorite reads of 2019? Worst? What were the biggest international stories from 2019? What was the U.U.’s most and least listened to episodes of 2019? What do I think about the impeachment of Donald Trump? What was the highest grossing musical tour of the year? And then, what about college life in 2019? Why are college students so depressed? Let’s look back together.

131 Advent (3) Joy, Wonder, Shepherds

The Shepherds heard an angel, saw a heavenly angelic host, and they were afraid! Is fear of God healthy? For how long? Moreover, Jesus is a man of wonder. His coming is wondrous! So how can we practice wonder? And why does wonder transcend our intellect? Come, and like human tea-bags let us steep our identities in the peace-filled identity of Christ!

130 Advent (2) Bethlehem and Mary

Advent celebrates Jesus' coming to earth and his incarnation. There are specific themes that spill out of the Bethlehem portion of the story: lowliness, kingship, motherhood, flesh, beauty, prophecy, and just plain old weirdness! Let's go deeper into the Christmas mystery.

129 Advent (1) Prophets and Hope (and Kanye)

Advent celebrates the varied ways that Christ comes to us: past, present, and future. This week of Advent focuses on anticipation and yearning. To unpack that I address the power of symbolism, what it is like to yearn, a weird dream I just had, and prayer. Also spend a few minutes sharing my reflections and concerns about Kanye West's turn to Christ.

How can the Law actually be God's grace? In part 1 of a 2 part interview I ask Kristen Waggoner, Senior Vice President at Alliance Defending Freedom, questions along that line. How is it loving to use the law to defend one's neighbor? Isn't a use of the law always coercive and thus against Jesus' methods? And, shouldn't Christians just live and let live and not try to bring our faith into the legal arena?