All in Current Events

271 Climate Change (8) Melting? Glaciers and Ice Ages

Are glaciers around the planet melting or expanding? Why? What about icy Antarctica? Do glaciers melt simply due to air temperature? How can cosmic rays and meteors contribute to ice ages? In this episode we explore these amazing rivers of ice that form all over the planet. Also, if you've listened before you know I like the term "PoMo". But what does that mean? And how is our era far different from, more sinister than, the normal conservative vs. liberal pendulum swing? Come think and laugh with me.

270 Climate Change (7) The Sun and Double-Speak

The constant public refrain is that humanity is destroying the planet, that we are the problem, that our presence is the single greatest driver of climate. But actually? The science doesn't go so neat and tidy in that direction. What about the power of the sun? What about our position in our galaxy? I also think with you about reducing inflation by spending $370 billion. What is going on? Why?

269 Climate Change (6) "A Cancer to the Planet"

That the human race is a cancer to planet Earth is becoming a mainstream notion. The media constantly beat that drum but so also do movies like M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening." I think through that movie and then compare its message with a biblical worldview on the relationship between humanity and Earth. Near the show's end I remark on the economic meltdown of Sri Lanka and how its governmental policies have played into the mess. Also, why does (should) culture matter for the Gospel of Christ?

268 Climate Change (5) Temps and Inconveniences

The warnings are emphatic and constant: we are smoking the planet. If we don't adjust course the ocean's icebergs will disappear, and along with them the polar bears. But what does the science say? What did a public lawsuit in the UK conclude? Along the way I also reflect on the Great Reversal I am witnessing among the Leftists, more reflections on Ukraine, and I even cover the Talking Heads' song, "Once in a Lifetime." Come think and laugh with me.

267 Climate Change (4) My Two Constant Suspicions

I'll admit it, I have biases that inform how I assess the topic of Climate Change. In fact, I have 2 constant biases. What are they? Also, prompted by a friend, I offer still more information about carbon dioxide. Along the way I also address how helpful catalytic converters really are, gun violence in Chicago, some miracles occurring in Central Oregon, and the question of suffering and meaning. Come think and laugh with me!

266 Climate Change (3) CO2, You, and Your Garden Too

The scientists behind the Paris accord use data (a span since the Industrial Revolution) that is too brief to be helpful. Much longer data is required to get a sense of earth's fluctuating climate. So why did the Paris accord, alongside American politicians, use shorter data? What percentage of the earth's history has been ice age? Is CO2 dangerous or beneficial for plant life? Is it—I know it sounds crazy—but is it possible the carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere is beneficial for life on earth? What is going on?

265 Climate Change (2) Cold. No, hot! Wait! (Alarmism)

When I was in high school a few teachers warned us of a looming ice age. Then for a couple decades we heard dire warnings of global warming. Today? It's a matter of climate change. Along the way what changed to cause the shift in terminology? And, as we think of it, on what does climate change science rest, computer models? I also reflect on the implications of the recent SCOTUS ruling about abortion. Come think and laugh with me!

264 Climate Change (1) Science looks in the Mirror

Climate change, obviously, is tied to scientific method. But just what is scientific method? How is it different from technological advance? What kinds of things get in the way of increasingly better scientific knowledge? Why, for a show about theology, am I even taking a look at climate change? I also share a fun story from when I was in the 5th grade in Oregon's Willamette valley.

262 Guns

Over the years until I finished high school there had been one mass school shooting in America. Since 1999 there have been fourteen. So what has changed? What does the Bible say about our agency, human rights, governmental power, and human nature? Which has caused more misery in human history, nature or governments? What about pacifism? What about "turn the other cheek"? Why are political leaders wanting to outlaw guns? Let's employ wisdom to think through this volatile issue.

242 Reading Cars and Evil Societal Patterns

During my four years of high school I worked for a gas station-car wash. Across those years I learned to recognize the shapes, designs, and colors of every car manufacturer. Seeing only a tail-light I could tell you the brand. Life itself is comprised of patterns and shapes such that when we see even one element of a form we know what the larger pattern is. What does that mean for reading today's devolving culture? What does our current Gestalt tell us about the rampant evils at work in society?

228 More Onion Peeling—The Psychology of Mass Movements

For 20 years I've been studying progressive ideology from a philosophical angle. Eric Hoffer wrote a book 70 years ago that peeled my eyeballs back about the psychology and sociology of mass movements. What ingredients fuel a mass movement? Why do mass movements become a holy cause? Why is there such credulity among those who join mass movements? I also ask more critical questions about the vaccine mandates.

213 Six Reasons I am Not Now Getting the C19 Vaccine

Many folks have good personal reasons to get a Covid shot. Herein I work through six reasons why I am not, for now, getting an injection. I also explain some of the biases and limitations at work in science and how those have played out, or not, during the Coronavirus mess. What has concerned me? What about our context has made me leery throughout? Come think with me. Or come disagree with me!

201 Prognostications for the Future

Eight predictions for the future: Joe Biden, the price of gasoline, the Senate filibuster, UFOs, Derek Chauvin, the Vatican, the U.S. military, and the 2nd Amendment. I also mix in a personal reflection: what about the Christian faith fills my heart with hope? And yet another "CDC Ministry of Truth report" is inside the show.

200 and the Great Cultural Washout

In this—my 200th public—episode I reflect on the state of my show and what it was like to leave a tenured professorship. I also carefully reflect on the nature of the Great Washout we are experiencing. How is it different from previous washouts? How is the clamor for diversity more truthfully a push for a monochrome uniformity? What does all this mean for the Church? Come laugh and think with me!

199 Cannonball Spray: Incoming from Cancel Culture

The battle to topple traditional American, and Judeo-Christian, culture is raging today through a dynamic I'm calling "disproportionate engagement." I offer some examples of how this is so: an unwitting tv Christian family gets played, confessions of a former Antifa member, the unabashed educational indoctrination system, and how even cartoons are being cancelled. At the show's conclusion I also offer four steps believers should be taking. Come laugh and think with me!

187 The Inconsistent Illogicalities of 2020

2020 will go down in infamy. What on earth is going on? I work through 47 frequently-humorous ironies from 2020 to point out how absurd life is becoming in America. In the show's beginning I also mention why I left a tenured professor position and whether I buy the "great global reset" conspiracy theories. What do the forces of darkness want out of all this?