All in Jordan Peterson

319 Secular vs. Sacred (9) When Darwinism Drowns

Darwinism asserts there is no there-there. Life's just the product of random chance. And so, life is inherently meaningless and empty. But most Darwinists, even in our crazy PoMo society, cannot live inside such emptiness or meaninglessness. Drowning in emptiness but still hearing the echo of morality in their souls, what do they do? They make leaps of faith, leaps of faith that defy the cold-emptiness of Darwinian philosophy. Even, I'm sad to say, even Jordan Peterson makes such faith-leaps. How so?

267 Climate Change (4) My Two Constant Suspicions

I'll admit it, I have biases that inform how I assess the topic of Climate Change. In fact, I have 2 constant biases. What are they? Also, prompted by a friend, I offer still more information about carbon dioxide. Along the way I also address how helpful catalytic converters really are, gun violence in Chicago, some miracles occurring in Central Oregon, and the question of suffering and meaning. Come think and laugh with me!

245 Eyes Wired for Meaning? Things Angels Long to See

Why can humans see and perceive more efficiently, accurately, and beautifully than computers? Jordan Peterson wondered, then answered, that. I press his thoughts into a Christian worldview to brainstorm about both God's incarnation and how believers, indwelt by God Spirit, experience something that even angels do not. I also further unpack diakrino (discernment) in and for a 21st century context. Why do so many leading Evangelical pastors have radar that is spinning off the dial?

244 Eyes Wired for Meaning? The Gaze

Have you ever wondered how eyesight works? Jordan Peterson explored that on a recent podcast of his own, but went deeper by asking, “how and why do we continually find meaning at work in life?” Do we only see the raw data of life? Or do we instead only see the meaning that we want to see? I take Peterson’s questions and work them through more resolutely Christian lenses to perceive the magic at work in reality. I also offer some reflections on the history and bio of Anthony Fauci, as well as the palpable resistance to changing the official establishment narrative. And at the show’s beginning I pray for those feeling hopeless.