All tagged work

243 Suffering (11) Does Evil Outweigh God's Goodness?

Discussions of evil and suffering usually focus on the horror and quantity of suffering. But life is, across the planet, about more than horror and anguish. Too often we neglect the wonders God daily rains upon us, we ignore the magic of life's fabric. In this episode I put evil into life's larger framework. We also explore the intentional policies of the current whitehouse. We're told poor ol' Joe can't catch a break. But is that really what's going on?

152 How to Abide in Christ—Josh Houston Conversation

In John 15 Jesus commands us to abide in him. What does that mean? Talking with Josh Houston, author of The Abiding Life, we work through what it means to be a disciple and abide in Christ. What crisis led to Josh writing his book? How does American culture press down upon Christian discipleship? Why do I wish I had a spiritual mentor? And what does that even mean? How do the three centers of human wiring—Control, Security, and Esteem—play into our walk with Christ? This is good and intimate reflection!

058 Heaven and Hell (8) Eschaton Gravy

Part 2 of a reflection on the Eschaton, this episode builds on both biblical teachings and foundational elements for human nature to imagine what life after the Resurrection will be like. How will it be new? Totally new? Will you still be you? Will we be able to grow in the afterlife, or will we be frozen by our current identity? Will we be creative? Will we work or play, or neither? And what about time? Will it be entirely eliminated by the eternity of God? What do I want to do for my first 1000 years there?

049 Why Does Prayer Matter?

If God knows everything what is the point of praying? Won't he just make things happen regardless? But, what if God built the universe such that prayer is an integral tool for us? After all, God is a being who loves to share. What if prayer is less about work and more about sharing? Me? I believe prayer is part of our God-given toolbox to complete both the cultural mandate (Gen. 1) and the Gospel (Mt. 28:19). Even more? Prayer is just good for your soul!

044 Why Do Anything Hard?

What's it like to run a marathon? What's the point of running a marathon? What was involved in earning my Ph.D.? Or, more broadly, what has caused us today to want things to be so easy? Why should you ever do something difficult? Come and laugh and think with me about something we do our diligent best to avoid: hard work.