All tagged tyranny

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

Today's civil unrest is not a simple racial dichotomizing dynamic. The impetus, the drive, the energy is very particular: Marxist ideology. Specifically, we are witnessing the results of a sixty-some year long moral re-wiring of society. We've gone from personal morality to societal morality following the class structures of Karl Marx. A moral vacuum was created and guess what rushed in to fill it? White Guilt. Come think with me about what white guilt means and why millions feel vaguely guilty.

148 Ouch! This Vaccine Hurts!

We've been mandated to swallow a societal vaccine. What are some of the trade-offs involved? How is the topic of worldview involved? What is some of the collateral damage involved? Might the required vaccine actually be worse than the disease? How so? I tell a joke and sing a song and try to think out loud with you about questions I'm not much hearing in public. Come, think and reason with me.

The Common Good in a Christian Worldview: is it just a matter of doing the most good for the most amount of people? Why or why not? How is it that majorities can be their own tyrannies? As a case study in societal formation, why did the Founders establish the Electoral College? Was that really a fair way to do things? What should we learn about the instillation of the Electoral College?

056: Heaven and Hell (6) Heaven: The Intermediate State

When believers die do they immediately experience the resurrection? Is there a resurrection of the soul without the body? What is the intermediate state, is it purgatory? Does the bible teach about the intermediate state? Does the soul experience reincarnation? Is there consciousness after death? Will we be able to physically touch each other in the afterlife? What does the bible mean when it says those who are dead are "asleep"? Are the unrighteous punished before they go to hell?