All tagged telos

281 Culture via History—The Rub and the Meat

The Evangelical tendency? To personalize Jesus. And for the immediate that is all well and good. But the problem is that it minimizes the historic and cosmic impact of Christ's coming, person, and work. We need to marvel bigger, examine more sweepingly, because that historic cosmic coming reveals to us what God's telos is for the future. And still for all that? We see a proportionate polarization at work in our culture: it loathes freedom, beauty, and the Gospel.

210 Different Ways to Read the Bible

Many believers get stuck in their Bible reading. They want to do what is right and want to hear from the Lord, but because they only read in one set way they get stuck, and frustrated. I work through 5 different ways to change-up your reading method and tell some personal stories along the way. I also offer up an analysis of our societal chaos and sing a new ditty for your informational pleasure! :)

190 Science-Y Stuff (3) Providence and DNA

By his providence God deemed that the building blocks for life would be DNA. So, what is providence? Is it fate or mother-nature or blind chance or determinism? What is DNA? Mere energy? Simple matter? Herein I tell how my Mom was providentially blessed and why wildfires serve the long-term good of forests. Enjoy this peanut butter and jelly sandwich of theology and science!