All tagged pedagogy

294 Educating Heroes for Christ: Britton La Tulippe Interview

Father of eight children, Britton La Tulippe has given extensive thought to education. Himself the product of an elite military prep school (he later trained for the Green Beret), Britton variously compares and contrasts public school with prep schools, classical education schools, and homeschooling. What is the goal of public education? Should parents think of their own kids as Christian missionaries to public schools? Why or why not? This interview will inspire you to pursue greatness for the mission and glory of Christ!

241 Suffering (10) Lobotomizing Murderers—Moral Evil

The human races suffers far more from moral evil than from the evils rained upon us by nature. So just why doesn't God stop murderers or mass-murderers? If God knew Joseph Stalin was going to murder 60 million people why didn't He end his life long before Stalin's heinous crimes? Why do I believe—at long last—that we are living in the middle of a conspiracy? And, is God's remnant called to stand up to rampant evil or lovingly be passive?

198 Atlas Crushed—When do You have too much Compassion?

Who's against compassion? Not me. Out of compassion God sent his Son. The Bible shows God is constantly looking to extend compassion towards us. But today's PoMo culture over-burdens millions, they are taught they need to "own" and solve all the world's problems, by themselves. How might you check to see whether your compassion pendulum has swung too far? Also in this episode: why I go to church.