All tagged meaning

246 Me and My Churchly Experience

At the invitation of a friend I've been attending a liturgical church. What has me drawn there? What elements do I particularly love? How biblical are the services? At the show's start I also reflect on a double-crime that is ravaging society. Why would a Church, of all institutions, be motivated to do criminal things?

245 Eyes Wired for Meaning? Things Angels Long to See

Why can humans see and perceive more efficiently, accurately, and beautifully than computers? Jordan Peterson wondered, then answered, that. I press his thoughts into a Christian worldview to brainstorm about both God's incarnation and how believers, indwelt by God Spirit, experience something that even angels do not. I also further unpack diakrino (discernment) in and for a 21st century context. Why do so many leading Evangelical pastors have radar that is spinning off the dial?

244 Eyes Wired for Meaning? The Gaze

Have you ever wondered how eyesight works? Jordan Peterson explored that on a recent podcast of his own, but went deeper by asking, “how and why do we continually find meaning at work in life?” Do we only see the raw data of life? Or do we instead only see the meaning that we want to see? I take Peterson’s questions and work them through more resolutely Christian lenses to perceive the magic at work in reality. I also offer some reflections on the history and bio of Anthony Fauci, as well as the palpable resistance to changing the official establishment narrative. And at the show’s beginning I pray for those feeling hopeless.

207 Confronting Death: A Conversation with Pastor Mitchell

Sixteen years ago Michael Mitchell fought off cancer. Five years ago it returned. He's been battling with it, off and on, but is now confronted with two-to-four months to live. By having him on the show again I want to honor both he and his ministry, but also talk with him about a topic mostly avoided in our culture: death. What would he have us consider? What is important in such a critical season? How does one keep one's sense of humor through all that. Come and join us in a poignant and important conversation.

194 Science-Y Stuff (7) The Form of Life and Primus Humus

All artists design based on an idea, a pattern—however unformed—in their minds. If that holds, what blueprint did God use when he created? To what end did he create? Or more narrowly, how did the END shape the beginning? Building from that I think with you about what it means to be human, at the most basic level. Come and relish with me the beauty of the Christian way. Only Christianity promotes caritas with practical applications.

159 Trinity (6) The Trinitarian Basis of Reality

Creation echoes and mirrors God's own self. How is that so? I work through dynamics like finding meaning, reality versus thin copies, community, patterns, ecology, unity, diversity, and beauty. Building from the theological concept of panentheism I show what a mystery, a beautiful mystery, everything in life is. Nothing is eliminated by virtue of its group or species. So amazing!

048 Why Are Rituals "From The Devil"?

My fourth episode on beauty. Did God make commandments forbidding rituals? Why did the Devil “tempt” us with rituals? Why, for billions of people, and millions of Christians, do rituals work? (Why are rituals so wonderful and important?) Was Jesus in any way ritualistic? Can God communicate to us without using words? Is any beauty to be found outside of words? Come an think through this important aesthetic category with me.