All tagged identity

178 Is God Nice? (2) Just What IS Nice?

Words have contexts. So what is the context for the word "nice" here in the early 21st century? How do insecurity and self-hatred drive our understandings of niceness? Still further, how does a market-place mentality play into our understandings of God? I also share how I occasionally try to bargain with God. Let's go deeper.

152 How to Abide in Christ—Josh Houston Conversation

In John 15 Jesus commands us to abide in him. What does that mean? Talking with Josh Houston, author of The Abiding Life, we work through what it means to be a disciple and abide in Christ. What crisis led to Josh writing his book? How does American culture press down upon Christian discipleship? Why do I wish I had a spiritual mentor? And what does that even mean? How do the three centers of human wiring—Control, Security, and Esteem—play into our walk with Christ? This is good and intimate reflection!

144 Wait, What? (7) Is the New Testament Reliable?

The now-common meme says, "the New Testament is a phony construction, the product of men who got together after Jesus' death and conspired to hoodwink us all." I work through multiple layers of history and truth to expose that trope for just what it is: a time-worn meme. In this episode I also describe a new species of being I've encountered in Idaho. Come think and laugh with me!

131 Advent (3) Joy, Wonder, Shepherds

The Shepherds heard an angel, saw a heavenly angelic host, and they were afraid! Is fear of God healthy? For how long? Moreover, Jesus is a man of wonder. His coming is wondrous! So how can we practice wonder? And why does wonder transcend our intellect? Come, and like human tea-bags let us steep our identities in the peace-filled identity of Christ!

130 Advent (2) Bethlehem and Mary

Advent celebrates Jesus' coming to earth and his incarnation. There are specific themes that spill out of the Bethlehem portion of the story: lowliness, kingship, motherhood, flesh, beauty, prophecy, and just plain old weirdness! Let's go deeper into the Christmas mystery.

067 Is God's Love Really Unconditional?

Unconditional love. It is a slogan, thrown around like a frisbee. Is it biblical? If so, what does it mean? Does it mean God loves sinners? Does it mean that, no matter what, God will still seek relationship with us? What is the nature, the root, of God's love? And more, does God only love us for who we are today? Or is the future of that relationship somehow at stake?
In this episode I also welcome the listeners from 13 new countries!

033 Homosexuality and Pastoral Suggestions

Christians seem leery of talking about homosexuality. And so they usually just get swept up by the larger cultural trends. Yet, Jesus called us to an often difficult way of life, one characterized by grace and truth. How do we live that out? How should Christians show love on sensitive matters? For instance, should one go to a homosexual wedding? What is the core issue for one's identity: sexuality or Christ? Or, can one be a Christian and a homosexual? Are people born gay? Is it possible that one's homosexual temptations are one's cross to bear? Is it wrong to have feelings for someone of the same sex? I ask and answer several uncomfortable questions in this episode.

024 The Beauty of Boundaries

My neighbors will be happy when there is a fence adjacent my jacuzzi. There are sights they need not behold! :) Much of life is like that: we need to draw a line, a border, a boundary in order to protect the dignity of all the parties involved. Boundaries, psychological and physical, are necessary for health.