All tagged growth

235 Suffering (4) My Pastoral Concerns

Ya know me? I hate glib Christian expressions. But still, it is good and wise to give God our pain, to learn from our pain, to practice a holy fear of God in the midst of our pain. So I share some heartfelt pastoral concerns about suffering. I also describe eating daily oatmeal with my grandson and share a story about Squirrel Tom, one of my golf friends. Come laugh and think with me about things the Church is terrified to address.

145 Wait, What? (8) Why Won't God Answer My Prayers?

If you're like me, you get frustrated when God doesn't answer your prayers the way you want him to. Even when you're praying sincerely and regularly, nothing seems to be happening. Why is that? What kind of microcosmic and macrocosmic factors play into that? Is God indifferent? Is he unable? I also address the question of whether prayer is control. And along the way I discuss how I use the Lord's Prayer in my own prayer life. Come, laugh and think with me!

141 Wait, What? (4) Do I Have Enough Faith?

Part 4 in my hard questions series. Is my faith pure enough? Good enough? Sincere enough? These are common questions in our confusing era. But what does the Bible have to say to us about faith in God? How should we process the Bible's warnings? Also in this episode I speak personally about the soaring cost of higher education. To whom and where has all that moolah gone?

If we don't experience some risk, danger, knee-scrapes, falling and failure as children we don't learn how to process the big problems of adult life. That's not only true spiritually, it's true physically, socially, and brain-neurologically. Obviously, then, this affects parenting, teaching, and pastoring. But what about God? What does the Bible show us about his perspective on our failures? And then, on a more positive note, how does playfulness shape us while we are young? How does playfulness lead to innovation and success?

Western culture teaches us, directly and implicitly, that failure is bad. And so we think that both we ourselves should never fail and that other people should never fail. Things are now so good that we even extend that to, "people should never have their feelings hurt." But is that good for us? Does that weaken or strengthen us? I explain why failure is not only unavoidable, but why for our own growth and societal development failure is necessary.

Western society is infatuated with the new: trends, fads, products, things. We love the new! Unfortunately, this infatuation is infecting the Church. And if the Gallup Polling agency is accurate, new is not helping church growth. What are some answers? How might we mitigate the damage that the new can do? What steps can we take to help our pastors, our pastoral staffs, and our own selves? What did Jesus model for us that is helpful on this challenge?

001 Why This Podcast?

The U.U.’s maiden voyage, this episode explains what the Uncensored Unprofessor, Dr. Ed Rybarczyk, intends for his podcasts. He gives explanations of why he's starting a podcast and why Christians, and other interested folk, need to think more deeply in our volatile historic era are given. Too many believers are afraid, or feel guilty, to express their doubts. Why is this? What can we do about it? Rybarczyk also discusses the topics he wants to cover in future episodes.