All tagged godly justice

241 Suffering (10) Lobotomizing Murderers—Moral Evil

The human races suffers far more from moral evil than from the evils rained upon us by nature. So just why doesn't God stop murderers or mass-murderers? If God knew Joseph Stalin was going to murder 60 million people why didn't He end his life long before Stalin's heinous crimes? Why do I believe—at long last—that we are living in the middle of a conspiracy? And, is God's remnant called to stand up to rampant evil or lovingly be passive?

183 What is Christian Spirituality?

Spirituality means a kazillion diverse things today. But in the bible there are specific ways of framing what spirituality means. Variously the doctrines of creation, eschatology, and incarnation reveal what spirituality looks like through godly lenses. It's time for believers to process more biblically and less Gnostically on this important topic.