All tagged electoral college

231 Why Does the Constitution Matter? A Conversation with Dr. Darren Guerra (2)

How did America's Founders' biblical understanding of human nature play into the way they framed the Constitution? How do the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence work together? If he showed up today what would James Madison be most proud of, and most disappointed about, regarding what has happened to what they founded? Is Covid being handled well according to the Constitution? Professor Darren Guerra helps us think through these knotty questions.

The Common Good in a Christian Worldview: is it just a matter of doing the most good for the most amount of people? Why or why not? How is it that majorities can be their own tyrannies? As a case study in societal formation, why did the Founders establish the Electoral College? Was that really a fair way to do things? What should we learn about the instillation of the Electoral College?