All tagged culture

325 Secular vs. Sacred (15) Spirituality vs. Religion

The global church has seen its fill of horrors: pastors and priests betraying their call by sinning and deflating congregants' attitudes toward Christianity. And yet the broader culture still makes evident a hunger for transcendence: spirituality is on the rise. So what, respectively, do religion and spirituality take as their focus and their telos? I compare spirituality and religion in this episode. Along the way I also share more strategic questions one might ask in thoughtful conversations. Come think and laugh with me! 

221 Adam's Passive Pose and Playing the Fiddle

Michelangelo's painting of creation on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel is genius not only for its artistic composition but its psychological insight. I take Michelangelo's insights and combine those with Nero playing his fiddle while Rome is burning. Oh, and I tell an exciting tale of victory in a recent league golf match. Come laugh and think with me!

165 The Cult of the Now (5) Why "Systemic" Racism?

We are told this is neither a matter of individual racists wreaking havoc nor is it simply that there are towns or regions that are predominantly racist. No, the dominant narrative is that America is "systemically" racist. Why that resounding refrain? To sort this out I peer into the work of Robin DiAngelo, author of the best selling book, White Fragility. What can we take away from her? How is this all rather like a glacier going off a cliff?

160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life

Trinitarian reality is not some esoteric doctrine, it has implications for both public and private life. Herein I give some examples of how the character of God—an eternal unity in diversity—is the ethical foundation for our own lives, for society. I also take a few moments to talk about the meaning of the public presence of the Church and why that matters. Come think and laugh with me.

153 Damaging the Frequency of Freedom

Life is a matter of frequency, of attunement, of stimmung (in German). How we attune ourselves, how we tune our frequency, greatly determines the quality of our lives. What kinds of things have entered the American frequency that have cloyed both a biblical and an American understanding of freedom? What Beatles song do I sing to make my point? Come think and laugh with me.

150 How the Mouse snuck in—Disney and Christian Culture

Christians tend to assess movies by the number of swear words or exposed body parts. That all the while we ignore the power of story to shape, twist, bend, and re-make our imaginations. Samuel Lively explains how Disney studios uses story to entirely supplant a Christian perspective on life. We focus on Frozen 2 and how it bends a Christian worldview to shape little girls' imaginations. I learned much from Samuel. You will, too!

147 Wait, What? (9) I'm Not Feelin It!

Our emotional experiences are memorable, formative. So we naturally think they are foundational to our own story. On top of that? Culture prods us to embrace and emphasize emotions. What does all that do to our Christian walk? What are some practical steps for being bigger than, and less influenced by, our emotions? Join me for a bit of thinking, some laughter, and some ways out of being mere sock puppets!

142 Wait, What? (5) Is Beauty Truly Real?

Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder or does beauty factually exist? Lord Zeitgeist the uglifier teaches us to block out the existence of beauty, and I give some examples of how IT does this. What does graffiti do to people's experience of reality? How does graffiti mirror the diseased nature of society's soul? Why does beauty require a sensitive soul, a patient soul? What is a mere aesthetic? And how is beauty inextricably woven with goodness? Take some time to consider this critical Christian topic with me!

040 Worldview (3) Dr. Austring: Missional Challenges Christians Face

My third and final interview with Dr. Greg Austring about worldview. How should the Church and Christians engage Christian mission? Should we totally accommodate or entirely resist culture? On what things should we never compromise regarding Christ and his Gospel? Does the Church ever have anything to learn from society, or is society only to be learning from the Church? What was the original perfect form of the Gospel?

031 Paul—Romans, Corinthians, 1 Timothy

The apostle Paul in Romans 1 is quite pointed about the violation he witnessed in his Gentile context. What did he see? What did he mean? Was he consistent with Jewish teaching thereon? Was he concerned with temple prostitution? Was he worried about cultural violations? What in the world did Paul mean in these passages? Did he go beyond what Jesus had taught? Let’s consider a foundational passage for a Christian worldview on sexuality.

018 How I Watch a Movie

What categories inform how I watch and review movies? Well, I look for philosophic development, values, integrity, character development, and the good/true/beautiful. Let's use our brains, be aware of getting emotionally played, and enjoy movies as a means for cultural engagement. I also review my favorite movie ever: No Country for Old Men.

001 Why This Podcast?

The U.U.’s maiden voyage, this episode explains what the Uncensored Unprofessor, Dr. Ed Rybarczyk, intends for his podcasts. He gives explanations of why he's starting a podcast and why Christians, and other interested folk, need to think more deeply in our volatile historic era are given. Too many believers are afraid, or feel guilty, to express their doubts. Why is this? What can we do about it? Rybarczyk also discusses the topics he wants to cover in future episodes.