All tagged causation

193 Science-Y Stuff (6) Aquino's 5 Ways and Vision

Tomas d'Aquino, following Aristotle, proposed five ways (arguments) for the existence of God. I work through those five ways and relish in the miracle of existence and vision. We then explore just how eye-sight works, unpacking how complicated it is in order to perceive what a loving gift it is. I also challenge Christians—following Old Testament prophets and Jesus himself—to embrace a public confession of faith.

192 Science-Y Stuff (5) Creation ex nihilo and Light

How does the Bible compare to other explanations of the origins of the universe? Was the Bible aware of other such explanations? Why is the Bible's explanation truly logical and with what famous scientific theory does that align? And then, what is light? How fast does it travel? What does its dual nature suggest to us about reality, about ethics? What lessons cannot be inferred from studies about light? Come and wonder with me about the magic of our universe.

190 Science-Y Stuff (3) Providence and DNA

By his providence God deemed that the building blocks for life would be DNA. So, what is providence? Is it fate or mother-nature or blind chance or determinism? What is DNA? Mere energy? Simple matter? Herein I tell how my Mom was providentially blessed and why wildfires serve the long-term good of forests. Enjoy this peanut butter and jelly sandwich of theology and science!

135 The Christian Graces (10) The Glory and Vanity of Guilt

Our normal default is to consider guilt a bad thing. In Christ, however, it can be a glorious thing. Why is that? And what should we do about collective guilt? Are we supposed to feel guilty for the past sins of our forebears? Specifically, I consider the nation of Germany and whether it should continue to feel guilty for the Holocaust. What does prolonged guilt do to an entire nation?

026 Brief Reflections on Intense Pain - What the Hell?

Life is both beautiful and interspersed with pain. How should we process the latter? How might Christians process intense pain? Is God causing everything? Does prayer matter? What about mercy ministry to those enduring intense pain? How does gratitude help? What kinds of things should we say and not say to those with intense pain? I worked through these kinds of questions following major back surgery.