All tagged being

243 Suffering (11) Does Evil Outweigh God's Goodness?

Discussions of evil and suffering usually focus on the horror and quantity of suffering. But life is, across the planet, about more than horror and anguish. Too often we neglect the wonders God daily rains upon us, we ignore the magic of life's fabric. In this episode I put evil into life's larger framework. We also explore the intentional policies of the current whitehouse. We're told poor ol' Joe can't catch a break. But is that really what's going on?

191 Science-Y Stuff (4) The Naked Thing and the Moon

Culture teaches us to perceive reality in utilitarian terms: what does it do for ME? Or how does that benefit ME? But viewing life through Christic eyes involves wonder. And so I suggest a couple of ways to perceive with gratitude and wonder the realities—things like Luna, the moon—that present themselves to us. I also reflect on our culture's ongoing pursuit of dissociation what that means for the future.