257 The Spiritual World (11) Conquering Unholy Bashan

257 The Spiritual World (11) Conquering Unholy Bashan

Jesus, freshly baptized in the Spirit of God, was driven out into enemy territory: unholy Bashan. In a state of hungry privation he battled the Nachash who offered Jesus something that would've belonged to him as God's messiah: the nations. Jesus won those battles by quoting the Bible; we all know that. But what part of the Bible did he quote and why? I also discuss why I refer to the devil as ha Satan, using the article "the." Let's think with nuance on these matters.

258 The Spiritual World (12) Hell's Gates Shall Not Prevail

258 The Spiritual World (12) Hell's Gates Shall Not Prevail

256 The Spiritual World (10) Idols, Totems, and Holy Places

256 The Spiritual World (10) Idols, Totems, and Holy Places