171 The Cult of the Now (11) What is at Stake?

171 The Cult of the Now (11) What is at Stake?

Yes this involves history, philosophy, truth-claims, and power. But there is still more at stake for me in all of this: profound suffering. Under Marxism the poor and the vulnerable are always the first ones to get eaten. What Christian values deeply benefit society? What American values deeply benefit society? What kind of things keep the state in check? What role does American niceness have to play in all of this? Why do I even care?

172 The Cult of the Now (12) Marxism in the Land of Icons

172 The Cult of the Now (12) Marxism in the Land of Icons

170 The Cult of the Now (10) The Spirit of Marxism

170 The Cult of the Now (10) The Spirit of Marxism