156 Trinity (3) The Power of Ancient Words

156 Trinity (3) The Power of Ancient Words

"God is love" is not nearly as thick or rich as saying, "God is three persons in one essence." My point? Our words about God matter more, not less, than our words about other realities. But God as a Trinity crucifies the human intellect! So what to do? Then, what terms did the ancient Church give us that still inform us today? Why do those words matter? What is the essence of God? I also do a bit of processing the recent death of a family member.

157 Trinity (4) Incarnation and the Temple of God

157 Trinity (4) Incarnation and the Temple of God

155 The Grand Mystery: Trinity (2) Plug n Play Jesus? Ancient Struggles

155 The Grand Mystery: Trinity (2) Plug n Play Jesus? Ancient Struggles