All tagged woke

169 The Cult of the Now (9) Justice vs. Social Justice

We hear it from daily news coverage. We hear it from crowds chanting in the streets. Professors ubiquitously use it in lectures: social justice. Just what is social justice? What caused the phrase to arise? When did it first arise? What are its philosophical premises? Why are BLM and Antifa getting so much media attention and moral cover? What does the Bible have to say about justice? And who does the Bible blame for racism? Come, let us reason together.

167 The Cult of the Now (7) Karl "helps" others

In this episode: why is the self-named anti-racism movement a false gospel? what is original sin in this new gospel? how does one get saved in this new false gospel? what kind of good things are going on despite our tumultuous era? why does this movement cherish grand gestures? how does Marxism consistently try to "help" people? why is there so much largesse involved in Marxism? And, what kind of things can Christians be doing to effect change? Come think and laugh with me.

160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life

Trinitarian reality is not some esoteric doctrine, it has implications for both public and private life. Herein I give some examples of how the character of God—an eternal unity in diversity—is the ethical foundation for our own lives, for society. I also take a few moments to talk about the meaning of the public presence of the Church and why that matters. Come think and laugh with me.

150 How the Mouse snuck in—Disney and Christian Culture

Christians tend to assess movies by the number of swear words or exposed body parts. That all the while we ignore the power of story to shape, twist, bend, and re-make our imaginations. Samuel Lively explains how Disney studios uses story to entirely supplant a Christian perspective on life. We focus on Frozen 2 and how it bends a Christian worldview to shape little girls' imaginations. I learned much from Samuel. You will, too!