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178 Is God Nice? (2) Just What IS Nice?

Words have contexts. So what is the context for the word "nice" here in the early 21st century? How do insecurity and self-hatred drive our understandings of niceness? Still further, how does a market-place mentality play into our understandings of God? I also share how I occasionally try to bargain with God. Let's go deeper.

177 Is God Nice? (1) The Book of Nature

The common human tendency is to fashion God or the gods in our own image. The Bible calls that tendency idolatry. How did the ancients work idolatry? How do we today? But if we study nature, the circle of life, what does it show us about God? What, for instance, might we learn from observing bees? Or, what might we learn by studying Michelangelo's David?