All tagged story

150 How the Mouse snuck in—Disney and Christian Culture

Christians tend to assess movies by the number of swear words or exposed body parts. That all the while we ignore the power of story to shape, twist, bend, and re-make our imaginations. Samuel Lively explains how Disney studios uses story to entirely supplant a Christian perspective on life. We focus on Frozen 2 and how it bends a Christian worldview to shape little girls' imaginations. I learned much from Samuel. You will, too!

144 Wait, What? (7) Is the New Testament Reliable?

The now-common meme says, "the New Testament is a phony construction, the product of men who got together after Jesus' death and conspired to hoodwink us all." I work through multiple layers of history and truth to expose that trope for just what it is: a time-worn meme. In this episode I also describe a new species of being I've encountered in Idaho. Come think and laugh with me!

017 Faith vs. Reason (15) Finale

Christians run reason through a sieve of faith, but that in no way cancels out reason. Faith welcomes reason! Even more, faith makes room for doubt! It is true, yes, that God is far greater than reason, but he comes to us in ways that reason welcomes and embraces. In this episode I tell the stories about the first college class I ever taught and about sharing my faith with my mom. I also explore a recent neuroscientist's book on Near Death Experiences.