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314 Secular vs. Sacred (4) His Truth, Her Truth, Zir Truth

Like a big-plumming hat drum major marching out a steady beat for the entire band, secularism's facts-values dichotomy has been drummed down into every facet of life. Sadly that includes too much of the Church. More, that dichotomy helps us understand why so many confessing Christians can give their hearts to Jesus but then keep him entirely out of their intellectual processing. They've agreed with drum-major-secularism that religion is subjective, private, and something to be kept out of the public square. But, is that even true? Who lives as though there is no meaning in life? Or, who lives as though science is their ultimate guide?

213 Six Reasons I am Not Now Getting the C19 Vaccine

Many folks have good personal reasons to get a Covid shot. Herein I work through six reasons why I am not, for now, getting an injection. I also explain some of the biases and limitations at work in science and how those have played out, or not, during the Coronavirus mess. What has concerned me? What about our context has made me leery throughout? Come think with me. Or come disagree with me!

151 We're Stuck in Human Nature!

I'm caught in an existential sandwich between numbness and irritation. What has led to this state of being? What truly frightens me about our response to COVID? I've coined a new word—slotch—to capture governmental over-reach, administrative gobbledy-gook, and managerial nonsense. And because we have all endured it, I even sing a song about slotch. Still more, what does both Animal Farm and the Bible teach us about human nature? Come laugh and think with me.