All tagged sports

212 Time and Eternity—The Dual Nature of Scripture

By his Holy Spirit God spoke through different authors in history. What does that mean, not mean? Why is it erroneous to argue that God alone wrote the Bible? Why is it injurious to argue that people alone wrote the Bible? Is God more or less sovereign for having worked through people? I work through some of my own life story and introduce a new guest to the podcast. Come laugh and think with me!

172 The Cult of the Now (12) Marxism in the Land of Icons

We here in America are witnessing an energetic push for cultural revolution. But it is not new. It's happened before. What lessons can we draw from Russia, a land that had been suffused with Christian values? What did Marxism and its culture change do the Russian church? What was the decided strategy for undoing and replacing the church? What should critically minded believers learn from all that?

146 The End of the World: Coronavirus Hysteria

Why the societal freak out? Why the unprecedented hysteria? Do the facts suggust this is the worst virus to ever hit our shores? Why do I believe there is a massive over-reaction at work? What are going to be the long-term effects of this meltdown that go far beyond the impact of the virus? I wrote a song and a lovely haiku about this event that you aren't going to want to miss! Come and laugh and relax for a few minutes while we think together.