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157 Trinity (4) Incarnation and the Temple of God

Temple is a biblical category much overlooked by Evangelicals and Charismatics. How does Temple play into the New Testament's portrayal of Jesus, or of Jesus as God's Son, or of what God's new and fresh covenant is about? Still more, what does Temple suggest about our own selves? Come, let us worshipfully turn our brains on for the glory of the living God!

Why all the public tantrums in western culture? People have been malformed. We have had it so good that we have, for a generation or two, protected one another from the very things we need to help us grow and mature: failure, loss, pain, embarrassment, hierarchy, conflict, and risk. Christian spirituality, because it is an earthy spirituality, a for-this-life way of living, cannot sit by idly and ignore the malformation of our children or society. What can be done?

058 Heaven and Hell (8) Eschaton Gravy

Part 2 of a reflection on the Eschaton, this episode builds on both biblical teachings and foundational elements for human nature to imagine what life after the Resurrection will be like. How will it be new? Totally new? Will you still be you? Will we be able to grow in the afterlife, or will we be frozen by our current identity? Will we be creative? Will we work or play, or neither? And what about time? Will it be entirely eliminated by the eternity of God? What do I want to do for my first 1000 years there?

055 Heaven and Hell (5) Jesus Rez, My Rez!

Will you still be you in the resurrection? Or will you be completely different? Does the resurrection happen at the moment of death? What do the incarnation and resurrection say about how God's values our bodies? Is God trying to save us from creation or save us with creation? And I have a "super deep" A.D.D. reflection in this episode that you won't want to miss!