All tagged soldiers

278 The Queen's Death

On Thursday, September 8, 2022 Queen Elizabeth died. I watched the long parade-drive to Windsor Castle and have, for 2+ weeks, been listening to her funerary music. How did that touch me? What stood out to me? How does it point to the Parousia of Christ himself? I also muse about Youtube censorship, Alex Berenson's legal victory, the state of Texas vs. media censorship, and share more about a corporate churchly bearing/presence vis-a-vis culture.

142 Wait, What? (5) Is Beauty Truly Real?

Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder or does beauty factually exist? Lord Zeitgeist the uglifier teaches us to block out the existence of beauty, and I give some examples of how IT does this. What does graffiti do to people's experience of reality? How does graffiti mirror the diseased nature of society's soul? Why does beauty require a sensitive soul, a patient soul? What is a mere aesthetic? And how is beauty inextricably woven with goodness? Take some time to consider this critical Christian topic with me!