All tagged society

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

Today's civil unrest is not a simple racial dichotomizing dynamic. The impetus, the drive, the energy is very particular: Marxist ideology. Specifically, we are witnessing the results of a sixty-some year long moral re-wiring of society. We've gone from personal morality to societal morality following the class structures of Karl Marx. A moral vacuum was created and guess what rushed in to fill it? White Guilt. Come think with me about what white guilt means and why millions feel vaguely guilty.

142 Wait, What? (5) Is Beauty Truly Real?

Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder or does beauty factually exist? Lord Zeitgeist the uglifier teaches us to block out the existence of beauty, and I give some examples of how IT does this. What does graffiti do to people's experience of reality? How does graffiti mirror the diseased nature of society's soul? Why does beauty require a sensitive soul, a patient soul? What is a mere aesthetic? And how is beauty inextricably woven with goodness? Take some time to consider this critical Christian topic with me!

051 Heaven and Hell (1) Death to the Afterlife

This is episode #1 in a series on Heaven & Hell. Why don't Christians any longer talk about or imagine life following the resurrection? What caused believers to make the afterlife irrelevant? What did Jesus believe about the afterlife? Answering questions like those, we will also look at some Barna polling agency stats on American belief in the afterlife. And, of course, I'll mix in some of my dry and zany humor!

023 Why Does Morality Matter? (4) The Role of Eschatology

What was Jesus about? How did eschatology define both he and his ministry? If Christianity is about going to heaven when we die, why does morality even matter? Jesus was stunningly oriented to eschatology (end-life, after-life) and eschatological themes. These themes still matter today for those of us who follow the risen one. Christian morality is inseparable from eschatological underpinnings.