All tagged sinners

230 Were America's Founders Christian? A Conversation with Dr. Darren Guerra (1)

In this conversation with Political Science professor Darren Guerra I ask, were the Founders Christian? Or better, how were they? What were they doing with their faith that is so lacking in the contemporary Church? What is presentism and how does it shape people's assessment of history? What were the Founders' core commitments about being human? What did they borrow from Greek philosophy to build society? Why do core principles matter so much? And, why oh why did they value the Old Testament so much?

In this conversation with my son, John, we explore the topics of money and cultural relevance. Low churches face the conundrum of needing large donors but not wanting to be controlled by those same donors. How should they go about walking that dicey tightrope? And then, everyone wants to be culturally relevant, so how might Low churches seek relevancy without losing their souls, on the one hand, or seeming like cloistered cults, on the other? Tough questions that deserve our consideration.

029 Jesus On Human Sexuality - The Tension He Presents

What did Jesus teach and imply about human sexuality? Was he merely silent on the matter? Was he different from his Jewish background? Did he follow other rabbis on the matter? Was he permissive and lenient? Or, was he legalistic and strict? We do well to know what our Lord taught. How might we replicate Jesus' own m.o. regarding sex, dealing with sin and sinners, and our own heart's attitude?