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248 The Spiritual World (2) Problems in Paleo Paradise

"There was a serpent in the garden of Eden." What does that mean? First? I erase some glosses that get overlaid onto the text. Then, we work through both some historical-cultural and textual framing of the story of the serpent. What would ancient readers immediately have recognized about that creature, that story? How does the notion of divine oracles play into the story? Come laugh and think with me.

Western society is infatuated with the new: trends, fads, products, things. We love the new! Unfortunately, this infatuation is infecting the Church. And if the Gallup Polling agency is accurate, new is not helping church growth. What are some answers? How might we mitigate the damage that the new can do? What steps can we take to help our pastors, our pastoral staffs, and our own selves? What did Jesus model for us that is helpful on this challenge?