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250 The Spiritual World (4) Giants and their Demons

With great detail the Jewish apocryphal book 1 Enoch delineates Genesis 6. What is apocrypha? How did Enoch inform the worldview of Second Temple Judaism? (What is Second Temple Judaism?) What kinds of specific sins does 1 Enoch describe sinful Sons of God committing? When giants die where does their spirit go? What does Enoch say a dead giant's spirit does? Come explore with me this significant historical era, one that greatly informs the New Testament.

249 The Spiritual World (3) Giants

Paleo (most ancient) cultures were aware of the existence of giants. Most of those cultures viewed them as great warriors, heroes, and transmitters of divine oracles. The Bible, in clear contrast, views them as abominations, corruptions, and transmitters of evil. This stems, at least, from the Bible's sensitivity to the spiritual world. This episode establishes important backgrounds for still later (newer) biblical teachings. I also share my thoughts on the war in Ukraine.