All tagged rape

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

Today's civil unrest is not a simple racial dichotomizing dynamic. The impetus, the drive, the energy is very particular: Marxist ideology. Specifically, we are witnessing the results of a sixty-some year long moral re-wiring of society. We've gone from personal morality to societal morality following the class structures of Karl Marx. A moral vacuum was created and guess what rushed in to fill it? White Guilt. Come think with me about what white guilt means and why millions feel vaguely guilty.

031 Paul—Romans, Corinthians, 1 Timothy

The apostle Paul in Romans 1 is quite pointed about the violation he witnessed in his Gentile context. What did he see? What did he mean? Was he consistent with Jewish teaching thereon? Was he concerned with temple prostitution? Was he worried about cultural violations? What in the world did Paul mean in these passages? Did he go beyond what Jesus had taught? Let’s consider a foundational passage for a Christian worldview on sexuality.