All tagged puberty

035 I Hate You - Male and Female

Does our brain control our sex or does our sex control our brain? Why are men and women at odds in the West? Why can't we see the beauty that is each, female and male? What happens to us regarding our sex during gestation? During puberty? Why is their such open hatred for male and female? How do the book of Genesis and genetics align? We are "sexed" beings from the moment of our conception, so why does the radical Left want to eliminate the sexes and their unique contributions?

034 Transgenderism - Agenda Contradictions

The sexual revolution is moving ahead full-steam. Homosexual rights have morphed into transgender rights. How long has the transgender movement been around? Who is promoting it? What actual steps are taken in transgender morphing? What does a child undergo to change gender? What philosophy is driving transgenderism? What are some of its blatant contradictions? Whereas compassion is needed for many issues, it's a good time to stop and assess this totalizing movement. It is going to hurt women, most of all.