All tagged priorities

216 Our Intellectual Straight Jacket—Why the Church is So Effete?

Christians represent 65% of the American population, but we are so faintly a cultural presence, so little salty. Why? Is it our sincerity? Our activism? No. I posit, following my interview last week of Nancy Pearcey, it is instead an intellectual straight-jacket. We've agreed to don an outfit that paralyzes us before we even walk out of the sanitarium. What is going on? What should we do?

152 How to Abide in Christ—Josh Houston Conversation

In John 15 Jesus commands us to abide in him. What does that mean? Talking with Josh Houston, author of The Abiding Life, we work through what it means to be a disciple and abide in Christ. What crisis led to Josh writing his book? How does American culture press down upon Christian discipleship? Why do I wish I had a spiritual mentor? And what does that even mean? How do the three centers of human wiring—Control, Security, and Esteem—play into our walk with Christ? This is good and intimate reflection!