All tagged presence

218 PoMo knowledge vs. Christian knowledge

Why do Postmodernists focus so much on knowledge? How do PoMos construct their knowledge? Why is knowledge at the root of the collision between PoMo-ism and liberalism, Modernism, and Christianity? What is my philosophical camp of choice? I also reflect on Psalm 14, a John Mayer tune, and loneliness. Come laugh and think with me about knowledge!

155 The Grand Mystery: Trinity (2) Plug n Play Jesus? Ancient Struggles

"Trinitarian doctrine is a capitulation to Greek philosophy." So goes the standard critique. But is that true? Actually? Nope. Amazingly, the ancient church resisted Greek constructions of truth by developing Trinitarian worship. In this episode I explore that ancient Greek context as well as clarify who and what the ancient—biblically committed—Church pushed back against. The gist of it all? Jesus was not a plug n' play construction of truth. Jesus shatters all pre-existing categories and constructions!

049 Why Does Prayer Matter?

If God knows everything what is the point of praying? Won't he just make things happen regardless? But, what if God built the universe such that prayer is an integral tool for us? After all, God is a being who loves to share. What if prayer is less about work and more about sharing? Me? I believe prayer is part of our God-given toolbox to complete both the cultural mandate (Gen. 1) and the Gospel (Mt. 28:19). Even more? Prayer is just good for your soul!