All tagged pre-programmed

147 Wait, What? (9) I'm Not Feelin It!

Our emotional experiences are memorable, formative. So we naturally think they are foundational to our own story. On top of that? Culture prods us to embrace and emphasize emotions. What does all that do to our Christian walk? What are some practical steps for being bigger than, and less influenced by, our emotions? Join me for a bit of thinking, some laughter, and some ways out of being mere sock puppets!

047 The Reformation Did WHAT to Beauty?

500 years ago the Reformation took a big billy club to beauty, nearly eliminating beauty from the Christian way of life. Why did that happen? Was it justified? Was it a good thing? Oh, and, what are the effects of the Reformation on our practice of Christianity today? What should we take, and what should we reject, from the Reformation? Lacking art in our churches, are we contemporary believers any less guilty of idolatry than ages past? This is part 3 in my 4-part series on Beauty.