All tagged obedience

263 The Spiritual World (16) Baptism and Eucharist

How should we understand water baptism and the Lord's supper? The answers—and the infighting—are myriad, depending upon the Church, denomination, pastor, or theologian. And me? I love theology! But the Paleo-Hebrew worldview moves the question of those two Christian rituals' purpose back to a root historical level. Jesus' own baptism thus becomes the model, the archetype for our own. I also reflect on actor Matthew McConaughey's recent presentation at the Whitehouse.

152 How to Abide in Christ—Josh Houston Conversation

In John 15 Jesus commands us to abide in him. What does that mean? Talking with Josh Houston, author of The Abiding Life, we work through what it means to be a disciple and abide in Christ. What crisis led to Josh writing his book? How does American culture press down upon Christian discipleship? Why do I wish I had a spiritual mentor? And what does that even mean? How do the three centers of human wiring—Control, Security, and Esteem—play into our walk with Christ? This is good and intimate reflection!