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Common remarks on the Bible: a) It's just trying to wreck our fun; b) it was written to protect a bourgeois, bougie, societal structure; c) it was written to benefit faceless powerbrokers; d) it was passed along to benefit upper-class white men. Those remarks purport the Bible is mere propaganda. But, really, if we look closer, is that true? And, just what is propaganda? (I also predict the Super Bowl winner.)

035 I Hate You - Male and Female

Does our brain control our sex or does our sex control our brain? Why are men and women at odds in the West? Why can't we see the beauty that is each, female and male? What happens to us regarding our sex during gestation? During puberty? Why is their such open hatred for male and female? How do the book of Genesis and genetics align? We are "sexed" beings from the moment of our conception, so why does the radical Left want to eliminate the sexes and their unique contributions?

030 Paul and Sex - His Gentile Context

What was the world like when the apostle Paul was writing? Was he naive about the sexuality at work then? Was he able or not to make distinctions between behaviors and orientations? This episode will examine a trove of historical data to clarify what the ancients did and did not know or understand about human sexuality. I will also explain why this information matters for contemporary Christianity and Christian ethics.