All tagged lies

158 Trinity (5) A Study of Two Famous Paintings

We can learn through different mediums. Herein we examine two preeminent paintings from history: Luca Signorelli's "Anti-Christ" and Andrei Rublev's "Trinity." What insights do these two geniuses show us about human nature, about reality, about our mysterious God? Furthermore, what do these two painters, each of whom lived over 500 years ago, tell us about our current national crisis? 

Common remarks on the Bible: a) It's just trying to wreck our fun; b) it was written to protect a bourgeois, bougie, societal structure; c) it was written to benefit faceless powerbrokers; d) it was passed along to benefit upper-class white men. Those remarks purport the Bible is mere propaganda. But, really, if we look closer, is that true? And, just what is propaganda? (I also predict the Super Bowl winner.)

062 Heaven and Hell (12) The Devil and Hell

Does the devil rule in hell now? Can demons read our thoughts? What are the signs of demon possession? What makes it possible for demons to enter our souls? Is it even Christian to root for the Dallas Cowboys?! What does the devil like to say to us? Why do some regions and areas have more demonic activity than others? Are demons even real or are they projections of our consciousness? I ask and answer 9 questions about the demonic realm.