All tagged knowledge

274 Climate Change (11) Extreme Weather

With every forest fire, hurricane, snow storm, or hot summer we hear the cry, "climate change!" But are things really getting worse across the planet? Why are we led to believe they are? Then, how do green policies on the West coast actually make things worse? I also talk about my brother who, as an insurance adjustor, worked hurricane Katrina. In this episode I also share some of my own m.o. for doing the show, why the show is formed the way it is.

219 Knowledge: Our Historic Moment

Despite the ostrich-mode taken by so many, America is in an unprecedented moment. Why is this different? What is the ingredient fueling this burn? How is it affecting me, personally? How is knowledge—and the PoMo anger about objectivity—at work in our cynical era? Instead of objectivity, what does society need? Come laugh and think with me!

218 PoMo knowledge vs. Christian knowledge

Why do Postmodernists focus so much on knowledge? How do PoMos construct their knowledge? Why is knowledge at the root of the collision between PoMo-ism and liberalism, Modernism, and Christianity? What is my philosophical camp of choice? I also reflect on Psalm 14, a John Mayer tune, and loneliness. Come laugh and think with me about knowledge!

005 Faith vs. Reason (4) Sheeple

Scientists believe, passionately! To do their work they simply must be committed to their own discipline's knowledge. Michael Polanyi, himself a chemist, shows us that it is impossible to believe anything meaningful without commitment. I dare you to ask yourself, and others, questions. Jesus asked uncomfortable questions. All of this is because it is not healthy to be a sheeple!

004 Faith vs. Reason (3) Is Science based on Pure Reason?

Are Scientists only objective? Is religious faith unusual? Well, we are taught daily that science is based on pure reason. But in this episode, following Michael Polanyi as our guide, I will show that actually science involves great subjectivity. Moreover, the doing of science involves trust, that is faith, risk, and commitment; qualities that are normally relegated to the world of religious faith.